Manfred (Fred) Reinertz Baron Barriera

PhD, (WashU); QFC, Quantitative Finance Certificate (NYU Stern); Diploma in EU banking & financial Law (IUL); MBA, (UCL); B.Sc.Com, (UGA), Court appointed Expert at the Luxembourg High Courts of Justice; in matters: banking, accounting, and financial services. Member of GARP, Global Association of Risk Professionals.
Social life: Non-resident, offshore member of the Singapore Polo Club, the Singapore Cricket Club, the Tanglin Club Singapore and, the, stemming from the hay days of the British Straits Settlements prestigious, now in oblivion, Singapore Town Club, member of the Accademia Araldica Nobiliare Italiana.

Honors:Pilgrim shell of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Knight Grand Gross of Justice jure sanguinis with collar, Knight Grand Cross of Merit, and bailiff preceptor of the Order in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

A former Project based free-lance Senior Financial sector Consultant, now emeritus.



Dr Manfred Reinertz Baron Barriera PhD acted as a leading legal, supervisory, and financial regulation adviser.

He was a senior professional with a strong background in corporate and investment banking gained in the ASEAN, based in Singapore, covering the ASEAN, then London; before becoming an Expert and Consultant, in Luxembourg in the then expanding new financial services industry, serving a large panel of clients (investment funds, management companies, Hedge Funds, funds service providers, depositaries, etc…

He acted also as a vested registered Financial Services expert in several EU Technical Assistance projects world-wide at Central Banks and Financial sector Supervisory / Regulatory Authorities.

In such capacity still solicited, occasionally, as Team Leader/counselor in EU framework contracts.

Now emeritus he is providing advice in matters of finance: -private equity dealings / venture capital structuring and assisting offshore merchant banks that partake in international finance (SBLC, Standby Letter of Credit) and underwriting activities.

He continues to lecture in the Financial Center Luxembourg, and is involved in Luxembourg family office operations, according to the law of 21 December 2012, supporting private wealth business.


Baron Manfred Reinertz Barriera PhD 2025

Past Professional Curriculum

• Corporate Governance guidelines for Russian Federal Service for Financial Markets,
• Basel II implementation guidelines National Bank Czech Republic,
• Risk based Basel II implementation Basel II National Bank Slovakia,
• Capital market architecture proposal Azerbaijan Capital markets Regulator,
• Capital market law EU legal approximation guidelines Moldova Capital markets Regulator,
• Basel II implementation guidelines National Bank Moldova (Central Bank).
• EDF White Book: Livro Branco sobre Convergência Normativa e Técnica ( PARTE II: AVALIAÇÃO DE SERVIÇOS FINANCEIROS).
• Bank of Cape Verde (Central Bank). Making Macro-prudential Policy operational, (with others), public policies to support economic development.
• EC Brussels HQ; Study regarding “ad hoc” implementation modus for the new ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instruments, EuropeAid/119860/C/SV/Multi.
• International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Consultant on regulatory capital calculation enhancement in harmonization with EU framework for bank risk capital adequacy (EU directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC, at National Bank of Ukraine
• Contributor, European Central Bank/European Systemic Risk Board’s Handbook on operationalizing macro-prudential policy. public policies to support economic development.
• Concept paper for an integrated capital market structure in Azerbaijan
• Co-Contributor, legal opinion on EU Directive 2011/61/EU and Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 on AIFM; Contributor BIS’s Quarterly Review June: Rating methodologies for banks.
• Comparison Major Stock Exchanges: NYSE, NASDAQ and LSE (with others), Academic Journal MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy.
• European Commission Directorate-General International Cooperation and Development, DEVCO: advisory services to DEVCO B4 unit, EU delegations: Quasi-evaluative support to the assessment of the EC contribution to World Bank Group Trust funds and Financial Intermediary funds.
• Co-author of Domiciles of Alternative Investment Funds, Oliver Wyman,
• Impact of the (EU) Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR, e.g. Basel III implementation in the EU) on the access to finance for business and long-term investments,
• Two scheduled missions: ALTUN/CMB/TR2011/0740.26-2/SER/004 TA for Strengthening the Capital Market Board of Turkey
• Request for Services no 2014/353575 Institutional Capacity building of the Central Bank of Egypt in the areas of banking supervision, e-banking and financial inclusion
• Expert assistance to the SADC Secretariat and EU Delegation in Program on « Support to the Investment and the Business Environment in the SADC Region South Africa, Botswana.
• Analytical Assessment of NBRM’s (National Bank Republic of Macedonia) domestic Regulatory framework on ICAAP (Basel III)
• Co-author with London Economics (LE) Europe. Rating and Scoring Methods for SME, legislations and regulations.
• Final External evaluation of EC Project LAO/B7-3010/IB/97/0210 Euro-TAL Bank Training Project, Lao PDR, EuropeAid/119860/C/SV7multi, Central Bank
• Financial Training Plan for Jordan Securities Commission: international standards in matters of Accounting and Audit.
• International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/Dutch Grant TF 055212 project: Consultant on development of regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of risk-based supervision, National Bank of Ukraine.
• Capital Markets Board Turkey; Comparison report of Turkish and European Union legislations and regulations applicable to capital requirements for investment firms.
• Syria: Banking Sector Support Program II: Provide advice on banking sector reform to Minister of Finance, the Central Bank (banking and financial sector Regulator) and the Credit and Monetary Council.
• Central Bank Kosovo: Gap Analysis: Draft Law on micro-finance institutions and non-bank financial institutions, Law on Banks, microfinance Institutions and non-bank financial Institutions, Law on payment system and law on the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo.


Baron Manfred (Fred) Reinertz Barriera PhD





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